Following the sun

Enjoy my work for the Skio Music remix contest of the SUPER-Hi x NEEKA song “Following the sun”. I loved the side-chained background choir in the original stems.

My submission at Skio Music:

My remix on Soundcloud:

My remix on Youtube:

This is the original song:


Enjoy my work for the Skio Music remix contest of the William Black song “Lie”. I loved the calm percussion and the glass breaking effect in the context of the song title.

My submission at Skio Music (due to a technical issue with audio processing at Skio Music the song is only saved as Draft so far):

My remix on Soundcloud:

My remix on Youtube:

The original song:


Enjoy my work for the Skio Music remix contest of the Eggnarok song “Down”. I loved the Indian percussion in the original stems.

My submission at Skio Music:

My remix on Soundcloud:

My remix on Youtube:

This is the original song:

Maria durch ein’ Dornwald ging

Very thankful for so many listeners of my 2018 remix of the Christmas carol “Maria durch ein’ Downwald ging”, which “exploded” this 2023 Christmas season – 5 years later. I’m grateful for everyone I can let dream for a moment with my music.

1k on Soundcloud – thank you!

3.6k on Youtube – thank you!

In this context I discovered a beautiful synth jam version of this song. I love the sound sequences starting at 2:29 min.

The reference with vocals.

A mindblowing precision in this acapella version, with a final chord ready for goosebumps.