Advent – Open The Gate

I’m proud to announce my second music track on Soundcloud and Youtube. It is advent, the most beautiful time of the year, in wonderful expectation of the birth of a holy child. To show appreciation for this advent season, my plan is to publish an atmospheric version of a church hymn every advent. 
This is my hymn for 1st of advent: “Macht hoch die Tür”, a melody written in the year 1704, this advent hymn is #1 in the evangelic song book. Please enjoy!

Laws of motion

The song “Laws of Motion” (released 2015) from Man Without Country beams us back to the 1980s, it is made with a lot of retro synthesizer sounds.

Sebastien from Hamburg, Germany ( has done once again a great job and “upgraded” this song to a wonderful deep house version.


Say something

The song “Say something” from A Great Big World and Christina Aguilera comes with a very slow, melancholic atmosphere.

Nobody would have thought that a deep house cover of this song is possible – but it is! Sebastien from Hamburg, Germany has made a great job with his remix.